Every year, large, winged termites make their dramatic appearance, causing alarm among homeowners. However, what you’re seeing might be Dampwood termites—less destructive than their subterranean relatives. These termites prefer moisture-damaged wood and don’t typically invade well-maintained homes.

While their presence might be concerning, understanding their habits can help ease the worry. Dampwood termites swarm in late summer or early fall, looking for decayed wood to start new colonies. If your home has no moisture or wood rot issues, you’re likely not at risk. But if you notice swarms emerging from your structure, it may be time to address potential moisture problems.

Simple preventive measures, like fixing leaks, improving ventilation, and inspecting for signs of wood damage, can keep your home safe. If in doubt, give us a call at Good Earth Pest Company, and we’ll help you assess and protect your home.