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Banishing Box Elder Bugs: Strategies for Control

Banishing Box Elder Bugs: Strategies for Control

Box elder bugs, scientifically known as Boisea trivittata, are striking insects with a dark, elongated body adorned with vivid red markings. These vibrant colors serve as a warning to potential predators, but they’re not a welcome sight for homeowners. As temperatures drop, box elder bugs are drawn to the warmth of your home’s exterior, making their way inside and unintentionally pestering the inhabitants. The good news is that there are effective strategies to manage these pests and keep your home bug-free this season.

Let’s dive into some practical tips to address the box elder bug invasion in your home.

Mediterranean Seed Bugs: What are they and why are they on my house?

Mediterranean Seed Bugs: What are they and why are they on my house?

The Mediterranean seed bug is a small true bug of the family Rhyparochromidae. They’re small, 7-8mm long, and tan with black markings. Think small, black and tan, Box elder bug. They aren’t considered an agricultural pest per se because their food mostly consists of fallen seed that they glean from the ground, but they are certainly agriculturally adjacent.

Annual Supply Drive

Annual Supply Drive

We are happy to announce that Good Earth Pest Company is partnering with local organizations to support those in need within our communities. With the spirit of compassion, we are organizing a supply drive to provide essential items to kids who could benefit from some...

Protect Your Summer Garden From Gophers

Protect Your Summer Garden From Gophers

I wish I had been more proactive and done it before they did so much damage but what’s done is done. If you ever find yourself in a similar battle with Gophers, I’d advise going this route: Before you start buying and dealing with messy traps, or running up your water bill, give us a call and we can get one of our wildlife specialists on the case.

Red Clover Mites: Tiny Intruders or Harmless Visitors?

Red Clover Mites: Tiny Intruders or Harmless Visitors?

Clover mites may be tiny, red, and a bit startling when they invade your home, but fear not – they are harmless visitors. These little arachnids seek shelter from the elements and accidentally find themselves exploring the comforts of your abode. Remember, they won’t bite, sting, or cause any damage to your home!

Getting the most out of your professional pest control service.

Getting the most out of your professional pest control service.

As a Pest Control Technician with Good Earth, my job is to perform the most thorough and comprehensive pest service that I can in any given situation while being safe and responsible with the products that I use. In the warmer parts of the year, when the flowers are blooming and the gardens are being planted, that balance becomes harder and harder.

It’s a TRAP!

It’s a TRAP!

When using pheromone traps, it’s important to place them in the right location. Traps should be placed in areas where wasps and yellow jackets are likely to be found, such as near garbage cans and fruit trees. Avoid placing them in areas actively occupied by people, because due to the pheromone they will attract the wasps to them. Instead place them on the periphery to draw the wasps away. They should also be placed early in the spring before the queens have had a chance to establish their nests.

Early risers: Why am I seeing big ants inside?

Early risers: Why am I seeing big ants inside?

Unlike the termite, carpenter ants don’t actually eat the wood in which they lives. They simply mine it out to create caverns for storing food and raising their young. Carpenter ants are active throughout the spring and summer, and then they go dormant when temperatures drop in the fall.

Hours of Operation

10:00am – 1:00pm
4:00pm – 10:30pm

3:00pm – 10:30pm

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Hard on Bugs. Soft on You.

A Local Family Business

Serving Oregon since 1989